"FAN-N-PICK" Cooperative Learning Structure

Cooperative Learning Structure

This simple graphic shows how to use this structure which is called Fan-n-Pick.

In this case, we have modified a little bit the steps and we have adapted the structure to our activity and our needs.

This is the explanation of what we did.


On one hand, we have displayed on
the table some vocabulary words related to some inland landforms and features.

On the other hand, there were strips of paper with the definitions of the words explained above. These pieces of paper were upside down.


1) Student A picks a strip of paper of a definition and reads it aloud.
2) Student B says the word that they think it belongs to the definition.
3) Student C says if they agree or not. And provides assistance if needed.
4) Student D sticks the definition with the word. See the examples below.

Finally, we rotate roles clockwise after each round

